
Can You Describe It For Me ? by Ali Rajabi

“Can you describe it for me?".

It is a question that we hear all the time when we are in a situation where others are not present, and we try to explain an idea, a place, an artwork, or the materials used to create something. Each individual has their unique approach to describing things. Some may talk about the feeling of a specific place, while others may focus on the mood, elements, colors, and more. Now, artificial intelligence has the ability to talk to us.

Yes, now the #ai can READ a photograph, and tell us how it looks, what colors and compositions are present, what the ratio is, who made the image, what type of light the artist might have used, what materials are present in the dress, or what type of pattern is used in that specific image. I find this fascinating because #ai is describing things to me that I never thought of or heard of before. I have learned about artists and places that I had no previous knowledge of. This learning process is extraordinary. Let me know What are your thoughts on this?


Leverage the power of AI while preserving your vision by Ali Rajabi

Let me give you a perspective on how the power of #ai can change the game in terms of image-making and see the potential benefits and drawbacks that come with it. Imagine you are a portrait photographer, you know creating an image needs significant amount of time, effort, and money. As an example for this image, You need to hire : two talents, a makeup artist, a costume designer, a hair stylist,a car, lighting equipment, and necessary permits plus your knowledge as an expert. So the expenses can quickly add up to several thousand dollars. Yet with the advent of #ai, the financial burden can be greatly reduced, enabling you to create your art without thinking about a budget. Now in the dark side this newfound accessibility, it also means that others may now produce strong images without extensive knowledge or experience, making it more challenging to differentiate yourself in this new era of image making.

The key question then becomes, how can you leverage the power of AI while preserving your unique artistic vision and style, to create images that truly stand out from the rest?


Limitless Possibilities by Ali Rajabi

Almost 20 years ago, when I first began my journey in photography, I captured everything I laid my eyes on. Being a self-taught photographer, I had no one to turn to for guidance, I was all alone with my books and that frustrating “dial-up” internet and my sole desire was to create images. Whether it was a candid street shot, portrait, landscape, or a documentary photograph. I didn’t care what others might think about my images and simply pursued my passion for capturing moments in time. This trial and error fueled by experimentation and also knowledge gradually led me towards craftsmanship. Now, experiencing the #ai world I have the same sense of curiosity. I relish the opportunity to explore and experiment again, and even sometimes to be surprised by the creations of a machine that is beyond my control and then I try to challenge, I push myself to assert control over the AI, to make it to follow my lead. This is a journey of limitless possibilities, where creation knows no bounds.

Make your Own Chance

From Words To The Birth Of An Image by Ali Rajabi

A while ago I had a little chat with one of my friends about how #ai can affect the art world and what are the different aspects and possibilities to use this tool in the best possible way. Right in the middle of our talk he mentioned a very brief story for a commercial shoot and while I was sitting behind my computer I thought what if I bring the story to life with more details in a cinematic form instead of a commercial shoot and exactly on that moment I gave birth to an image in a way that is far greater than any other tool. Now the power of image making is in a different level.


Challenge to Explore the Power of AI by Ali Rajabi

One of things that I am really interested is to having a challenge to explore the capabilities of #ai applications in creating highly detailed images and to see how far they can go in terms of making an image with every request that I write. I have to say the right solution is not here yet as the #ai can do an amazing job in one prompt and fall short in the others. One of my favorite artists of all time is Crewdson and here I challenged #ai to see if I can make a strong image with the details that I want.

Let me know what you think.


AI , New Doors To Unlock by Ali Rajabi

As an artist it is a must for you to explore, to learn, to try, to do mistakes. You will change and evolve in time and that’s how you grow. If you ever see the Marvel movies you probably know Tony Stark and his AI assistant Jarvis. Jarvis is the absolute power of using #ai who controls by his creator which he finally comes to life as character called Vision. This story is a great example of what #ai can do and believe me it will happen sooner or later. We're on the beginning of a new era where anything might be possible by #ai and that's becoming a part of our everyday lives.

In the art world, specifically photography, AI has opened up new doors to unlock our creativity. Although we're still exploring the full potential of #ai image-making, we've already seen some amazing results.

Everyone who knows me closely they are completely aware how I am interested to use different tools and experience them in my field and now I am doing this experience with different platforms like Midjourney and Dall-E … From today beside my other images I would like to share my AI experiences with you guys. From portraits to landscapes, from forms, colors to street shots or fashion shoots.

I just want to experience it and talking about it and see how we can move in this path.

Let me know what you think and I will share more.