Everyone who steps into this world is bombarded with information that has no boundaries. Information comes to us from so many sources; family, community, schools, books, mass media, the internet, and social networks. And there are so many kinds of information; science, politics, tradition, and religion. Our subconscious stores all this information and so a part of us is formed by things that we have no control over. What is real and how do we define it? How much of our identity is made by ourselves and how much is constructed by others? Can we have a truly independent individual identity? How free can we ever hope to be? In my series “Collide” which is a silent yet profound dialogue between a symbol deeply rooted in Middle Eastern culture, religious practices and the vibrant or sometimes provocative subjects of Western society, These and other questions drive a process of self-discovery through a series of encounters that might have only lingered in our subconscious but instead mark pivotal moments when individuals consciously confront a world that is organized around different standards. This is a journey, both personal and universal. Through "Collide," everyone seek not to provide answers but to hold a mirror to the complexities of our existence, where every piece of information, every belief, every visual cue informs the intricate mosaic of our identity. As the project continues to evolve, so too does the conversation with possible harsh questions, ever dynamic, ever probing, ever reflective of the world we navigate. Perhaps the relationships we choose with information – what we expose ourselves to, how we react to it, what we do with it, what we create, and what we share – become ways of shaping our identities and making them more our own.