Can You Describe It For Me ? / by Ali Rajabi

“Can you describe it for me?".

It is a question that we hear all the time when we are in a situation where others are not present, and we try to explain an idea, a place, an artwork, or the materials used to create something. Each individual has their unique approach to describing things. Some may talk about the feeling of a specific place, while others may focus on the mood, elements, colors, and more. Now, artificial intelligence has the ability to talk to us.

Yes, now the #ai can READ a photograph, and tell us how it looks, what colors and compositions are present, what the ratio is, who made the image, what type of light the artist might have used, what materials are present in the dress, or what type of pattern is used in that specific image. I find this fascinating because #ai is describing things to me that I never thought of or heard of before. I have learned about artists and places that I had no previous knowledge of. This learning process is extraordinary. Let me know What are your thoughts on this?