Hello Everyone
About Two weeks ago I just came up with this idea to ask my Instagram followers “Who is your favorite photographer?” As always they were so kind to respond my request and answered the question with a variety of names which it was interesting and at the same time surprising!!!. The list was so diverse, from unknown photographers which I couldn’t find them on the web to such a big and famous names.
I completely understand that everybody have their own taste in the world of photography and art but I thought it might be good idea to list my favorite photographers in the world of visual arts.
The photographers I admire the most, What does it mean ?
The answer is not that complicated. These are the photographers that I can live in their pictures. I dont get tired if I look at their images hundreds of times and I can always discover something new in their footsteps in the art world. These artists had this ability and opportunity to reach their level at the top of their long time career. Definitely, They are the game changer in the world of photography.
So without further aduo this is my list and some of their photographs :
- Gregory Crewdson
“My Pictures are concern with the coming together of beauty and sadness. There is a tension between some sense of stillness and some some sense of unease. Ultimatly these pictures are about a search. attempting to make a connection to something larger than yourself.”
Cathedral Of The Pines
Cathedral Of The Pines
Beneath The Roses
Beneath The Roses
Cathedral Of The Pines
Beneath The Roses
- Nick Brandt
"I want my images to achieve two things in this regard - to be an elegy to a world that is tragically vanishing, to make people see what beauty is disappearing. Also, to try and show that animals are sentient creatures equally as worthy of life as humans."
A Shadow Falls
Inherit The Dust
Inherit The Dust
A Shadow Falls
This Empty World
This Empty World
- Jeff Wall
"Just as in the cinema you wouldn't think that a realistic film is any less filmic than a musical fantasy. They're both part of the cinema. And I see that this is the same in my work, they are different genres that I am interested in and I move between them."
A Sudden Gust Of Wind
Dead Troops Talk
In Front Of The Nightclub
Boy Falls From Tree
But if you think the list is going to an end here you are completely wrong. There are so many other great photographers out there that inspired me in these past years, not just in the world of Fine Art but also in different genres of photography. I can assure you if you see other projects, discover the stories of their photographs and read about those photographer’s life, it will help you to move forward in the right direction.
Have a great time.
- Make Your Own Chance